(*In categories STRINGS, WINDS, KEYBOARDS, various instruments compete together).
Age groups for categories I, II, III, IV …-6 years (3 min) 7-8 years (5 min) 9-10 years (7 min) 11-12 years (8 min) 13-14 years (9 min) 15-16 years (10 min) 17-18 years (12 min) 19-22 years (13 min) 23-… years (15 min)
Age groups for V, VI, VII ...-9 (3 min) 10-14 (5 min) 15-18 (7 min) 19-22 (10 min) 23-... (13 min)
The videos can be made within a two year period before the competition deadline 31st of March, 2024.
In the application form, it is required to specify when, where, and the occasion the recording was made.
Only unedited recordings are accepted, the video must clearly show the face and hands of the performer at all times. Separate takes between different pieces are permitted. The video can not be cut in the middle of a movement. The application may include one or more video links.
The video may be made at another competition, however, logos must be covered/blurred. The length of the video should not exceed the time limit as stated in the age group requirements. If the time limit is exceeded, only the allotted duration will be viewed by the jury.
The video must be uploaded to an easily accessible online platform, preferably Youtube, the title or description of the video must include the performer’s name and the written message FOR ODIN INTERNATIONAL MUSIC ONLINE COMPETITION.
A professional recording is not mandatory, but the submitted recording must be of reasonable video and audio quality with minimal background noise.
Videos submitted to the Odin International Music Online Competition 2024 will be made viewable for participants from 6th of April until 27th of April, 2024. After the competition results, only videos of the 1st prize winners (and selected 2nd prize winners) will remain viewable from the competition Youtube channel and Facebook page. The Odin International Music Online Competition reserves the rights to re-upload the video submitted by contestants for marketing or any other purposes. In case of questions or concerns about displaying your video, please contact us at [email protected].
Participants have a free choice of repertoire, one or more pieces may be performed according to the time limitation of the age group.
The whole repertoire of categories I, II, III, IV, VII must be performed from memory, if a score is used in these categories 10 points will be deducted from the score of the participant. Harpsichordists and organists are allowed to use a score. Contemporary music may be performed from the score. In categories V, VI, the repertoire may be performed from the score.
Separate movements of multi-movement works are allowed, repeats are at the discretion of the participant.
The performance may be accompanied by piano, orchestra, or another form of accompaniment.
An appropriate age group must be chosen according to the age at the moment of the application deadline, 31st of March, 2024. In categories V, VI, the age group is determined by the average age of the participants.
One participant may take part in different categories. Participants may compete in an older age group; however, they are not allowed to compete in a younger age group. There is a separate participation fee for each age group and category.
Participants agree and authorise the Odin International Music Online Competition to publish their name, image, video captions, and recording for promotion and publicity.
The results will be published on the 28th of April, 2024 on the competition homepage.
Registration is necessary for taking part in the competition. Incomplete applications, including failure to pay fees, will result in disqualification. The participation fee is not refundable.
Should any dispute arise regarding the interpretation of any part of the rules and regulations of the Odin International Online Competition, the decision of the competition administration and jury will be final and not subject to any appeal. The competition administration reserves the right to amend any of the rules or regulations contained herein if it is considered necessary for the competition.
By submitting the Application Form, participants agree to the General Rules of the competition.
Friendly reminder:
1. When recording a video, you may use a phone, a tablet, a camera, etc.
2. The video can be made anywhere: at a concert hall, at home, at school, at another competition, etc.
3. It would be good to shoot in a nice quiet environment.
4. You can use a microphone and amplifiers.
5. Once you are satisfied with your recording, transfer it to the computer, upload the recording to an easily accessible online platform, preferably Youtube (the video must include your name and the written message FOR ODIN INTERNATIONAL MUSIC ONLINE COMPETITION). 6. Send us the link(s) to your video in the application form.